Why open a drive-thru restaurant as opposed to a traditional sit-down eatery? There are a lot of good reasons. First, most people have busy lives so they are seeking convenience. Everyone has to eat, but finding the time to shop and to cook meals every day can be a challenge. The ability to grab a quality meal or snack while on the run, without having to leave your car, is desirable. Also, picking up food to enjoy outside of a restaurant means you don't have to worry about if your appearance is acceptable for dining in public. Consumers are also more likely to make an "impulse purchase" from a drive-thru. Think of it, if you are out running errands, and you become hungry, are you more likely to buy something to eat from a quick-service restaurant served through a drive-up window, or would you prefer to go into a full-service restaurant and dine at a table? Not having to tip a server is another desirable feature of purchasing something from a drive-thru. And, because a drive-thru restaurant will usually incur lower operating expenses than most full service restaurants, you should be able to price your menu items a little lower, providing you with yet another advantage for attracting customers!
When compared to a full service sit-down restaurant, there are a number of reasons why a drive-thru restaurant will incur lower operating expenses, and potentially generate greater profitability. First, a drive-thru restaurant can operate with fewer employees. A hostess, wait staff, busboy, and full-time dishwasher won't be necessary in most cases, saving you valuable labor dollars. Also, a smaller building footprint will result in less space to heat & air condition, thus saving you money for utilities. This smaller building size should also result in a lower monthly rent, because you will be leasing fewer square feet than the typical sit-down restaurant. And, you will only be renting "pavement," not the use of the landlord's structure, because you will be constructing your own building.
Within the United States, the viability and success of drive-thru restaurant concepts is proven and well established. Drive-thru hamburger, taco, and Specialty Coffee operations have been around for decades. Consumer acceptance of drive-thru food businesses is not in doubt. The opportunity to cash-in with additional cuisines and concepts has never been greater than it is today!

Finally, let us not forget what happened during the recent COVID 19 pandemic. Thousands of sit-down restaurants "withered on the vine" and went out of business, simply because dining in close proximity to other people represented a significant health hazard. Sadly, It is estimated that nearly 90,000 restaurants across the U.S. have permanently shut their doors. In contrast, restaurants with a drive-up service window flourished during this same time. Health and infectious disease experts tell us that another pandemic is not a matter of "if", but rather a matter of "when". Establishing a drive-thru restaurant concept will safeguard your business and investment from this potential threat.